Teen Advisory Board Read-a-Thon Fundraiser image

Teen Advisory Board Read-a-Thon Fundraiser

Join us to encourage less screen time and support a great cause!

$1,601 raised

$1,500 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Our fantastic Teen Advisory Board is pledging to get off their screens, pick up an old-fashioned book, and log in a lot of reading hours during the week of June 14-20, 2020 to support the work of Reach Out & Read Illinois. We need you to support them to reach their collective goal of raising $1,500! They will be reading their own books, reading to their younger siblings, and encouraging you to read at home as well. Remember, you can make your donation in honor of the Teen Board Member who insipired you!

The Reach Out & Read mission is as powerful and important as ever during these challenging times. Our medical professionals continue to provide books and encourage reading aloud at every checkup. Our community remains committed to supporting families with young children and every dollar will help support our work.